MFR 87: Goals, Resolutions, and the Mojo 2016 Race Challenge
January is the month of reflection and projection. I’ve got some thoughts that I hope will help with your running goals for this next year, and I present the Mojo for Running 2016 Challenge.
I hope your running resolutions for next year are not just about how many miles you run. While it’s good to target changes in training that would result in improved fitness, it’s critical to realize that just doing more miles isn’t necessarily going to lead to improved fitness, and that there is a right way and a wrong way to increase miles; there is much more to it than just logging more miles.
And, believe it or not, it’s possible that the best way to improve might be to decrease your miles for several weeks or months, even if it means fewer miles in 2016. Please listen to find out when and why this could be a good plan. Maybe 2016 is the year when you apply a sophisticated, well thought out strategy to your running life.