MFR 86: Exercises and Drills to Improve Proprioception


Last time we discussed the importance of balance for runners of all levels and at all speeds. It’s critical to virtually every element of running, and perhaps most important of all, because it is at the root of good running form. That’s because if you have a poor sense of balance, it will be that much harder, if not impossible, to have optimal form and running economy. Equally critical is its role in injury prevention.

In this episode, I describe specific things to do to improve your balance.

Last time we discussed the importance of balance for runners of all levels and at all speeds. It's critical to virtually every element of running, and perhaps most important of all, because it is at the root of good running form. That's because if you have a poor sense of balance, it will be that [...]


MFR 87: Goals, Resolutions, and the Mojo 2016 Race Challenge


MFR 85: Balance and Proprioception for Runners