MFR 76: Encouraging Words for Runners, Two Perspectives on Running Motivation and Inspiration


To be a successful runner, to keep getting back out there, day after day, year after year, you need a constant stream of motivation and inspiration. When one of our running friends needs motivation to run, we all have a responsibility to keep them going, because there will be days when our running friends will be the ones who keep us going. It’s what we do.

Have you ever thought about how you are affected by the support of other runners as well as how you can play a role in their success, in their running motivation, by recognizing their efforts and providing encouragement?

In this episode of the Mojo for Running Podcast, I talk about the two perspectives on motivation: each runner’s responsibility to support and encourage other runners, and each runner’s responsibility to take care to give appropriate advice.

To be a successful runner, to keep getting back out there, day after day, year after year, you need a constant stream of motivation and inspiration. When one of our running friends needs motivation to run, we all have a responsibility to keep them going, because there will be days when our running friends will [...]


MFR 77: How to Run Hills, Part 1, Uphill Running


MFR 75: Tempo Runs Explained