MFR 73: When You Feel Compelled to Walk


Every runner will end up doing a walk run from time to time, for one reason or another, and there is nothing wrong with that. I do a walk/run for the first mile every time out. Some people employ the walk run method for the duration of every run, and that is their goal. I know people who’ve done many marathons using that strategy and had great success. On the other hand, for some people it’s a problem of motivation. While utilizing a walk to run strategy is a perfectly good method, most people seem to want to be able to run, non-stop, when they want to, but some struggle with being compelled to walk, and such is the case with Danielle H., a Mojo for Running Podcast listener. She asks Deb for suggestions of ways she can overcome the compulsion to stop and walk during races, and Coach Deb has plenty of ideas.

Every runner will end up doing a walk run from time to time, for one reason or another, and there is nothing wrong with that. I do a walk/run for the first mile every time out. Some people employ the walk run method for the duration of every run, and that is their goal.


MFR 74: The Whole Story of Mojo for Running, Run Tampa, and More


MFR 72: Running Tips and Tricks