MFR 16: You Just Never Know

Let’s talk about the occasion when you may depart from the racing plan and why it’s okay to do it once in a while. Sometimes you plan and train perfectly, but, inexplicably, on race day, the wheels fall off, and other times nothing seems to go right before the race, but once the gun fires, karma takes over and to your surprise the race unfolds like magic under your feet. You feel like a superhero and you run like one, too.

Let's talk about the occasion when you may depart from the racing plan and why it's okay to do it once in a while. Sometimes you plan and train perfectly, but, inexplicably, on race day, the wheels fall off, and other times nothing seems to go right before the race, but once the gun fires, [...]


MFR 17: Running Through the Holidays


MFR 15: Food, Birthdays, and Calories