MFR 151: How to Structure Your Training When You’re Self-Coached

Maybe the element of running that attracts more people than any other is the sheer simplicity of it. Running requires one thing, a pair of shoes.

That’s certainly true, and it is a thing of beauty, but to take it to any level beyond basic fitness, it’s worth taking a few minutes to learn a few basic training guidelines, not to complicate a thing of beauty, but to enhance the experience.

Many people, at least early on in their running career, run the same number of miles every day. Nothing wrong with that if you’re okay with extremely gradual improvement, and if it doesn’t get a bit boring for you, but learning these simple running training principles will make the sport you enjoy a fascinating hobby as you tweak you are able to plan weeks and months of training and evaluate how that training impacted your performance or simply how it impacted your enjoyment of the sport.

For a deeper dive into periodization, specifically, micro and macro cycles, check out Episodes 134 and 135 of this podcast.

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and @runtampa on Instagram.


MFR 152: How to Taper for Goal Races and What it Can Do for Performance


MFR 150: Treadmill Running and the Indoor Running Mindset