MFR 125: What to Do When You Lose Your Running Mojo

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At any given time, a percentage of runners will be suffering from a not so uncommon running malady, loss of their running mojo, the state of being without motivation, of feeling more like sitting than running. This is serious but not uncommon.

I’ll tell you this:  As a longtime coach, I’ve seen this many times. The good news is that it’s never ever fatal, but the bad news is that it can go on for weeks or months, and if it goes untreated, it can be permanent. Yep. Some people never return; they actually cease to be runners. This is tragic, but not to worry. I’ve got twenty recommendations, and if one doesn’t work, you’ve got 19 more. Seriously, that’s like 20 different medications. 

If you’re having motivation problems, start with #1 and go down the list.

At any given time, a percentage of runners will be suffering from a not so uncommon running malady, loss of their running mojo, the state of being without motivation, of feeling more like sitting than running. This is serious but not uncommon. I'll tell you this:  As a longtime coach, I've seen this many times.


MFR 126: The Running Documentary, The Human Race


MFR 124: Half Marathon Magic