BRV 23: How to Warm Up Before Every Run
If you haven’t been warming up before running, I’m willing to bet that will change after you listen to this episode because the benefits of a good warm-up are that impressive, and the possible problems of warming up incorrectly – or not warming up at all – are that dangerous.
The hitch with beginner runners is that beginner runners will often say, “I don’t need to warm up because I’m so slow that I’m always running at warmup pace.”
I would entirely disagree; everything is relative. Everyone has an easier pace, even if it’s walking, and it’s just as important for a beginner runner to warm up as it is for a veteran runner. Never forego the warm up.
Traditionally, years ago, some people thought of a warm up as doing several static stretches and maybe a few exercises. Some exercises, if they could be described as dynamic stretches, would be a good idea, but some would be intense movements that would be best left until later in the workout or until the end.
And static stretches should always wait until after the workout.
Whether you’re just going for a 2- mile run or about to do a 5k race, a good warm-up will set you up for a much better, more comfortable.