BRV 10: Running Form, the Lean

Learning the correct running form means succeeding that much faster. It means enjoying running that much more. In this episode, I discuss how to lean, ever so slightly, forward, to take advantage of gravity and how to make sure you’re landing over your center of gravity. This is huge, impacting your comfort, pace and health, as landing with your feet under your center of gravity takes stress off the knees, and every runner wants to - needs to - know what to do to prevent knee problems.

These elements of running form will lessen the likelihood of injury, make your runner more comfortable, and help you conserve energy, as you use gravity to your advantage. Few beginner runners will have ever thought about this or heard of it, but I explain exactly what to do to achieve this form.

Learn the correct running form and succeed that much faster. Today, I discuss how to lean, ever so slightly, forward, to take advantage of gravity and how to make sure you're landing over your center of gravity. Correct running form will lessen the likelihood of injury, make your runner more comfortable, and conserve energy.


BRV 11: Running Form, Foot Strike


BRV 9: Running Form Explained