MFR 150: Treadmill Running and the Indoor Running Mindset

What a treadmill lacks in the way of the scenery and fresh air of an outdoor run, it makes up for in convenience and other benefits. Yes, there are reasons why anyone might do well to train on a treadmill at times. 

From offering a softer surface than any street to providing a safety when traveling, treadmills are a great option for any runner of any level, and while some describe them as dreadfully boring, calling them 'dreadmills,' an attitude check and a bit of creativity easily solves that problem.

Discover the benefits of treadmill running, treadmill workouts and a variety of tricks to make running inside entertaining.


The Human Race documentary trailer

The Human Race documentary on Amazon

Kathrine Switzer

Kathrine’s book, Marathon Woman


Running on the Treadmill vs Outside: Which is Harder on the Knees and Achilles Tendons

How Effective is Treadmill Running vs Outside Running

Treadmill Running Bad for Your Knees: Time to Bust Another Myth

Why Does Running on a Treadmill Feel Harder than Outside?

Treadmill Running Increases Achilles Tendon Force


MFR 151: How to Structure Your Training When You’re Self-Coached


MFR 149: Rebounding for Running