MFR 155: Head to Toe, How to Move and Where to Look When You Run

MFR 155: Head to Toe, How to Move and Where to Look When You Run

Let’s get back to the basics of good form, from how to hold your head, and where to look, to the nuances of arm/shoulder movement and how something as minor as that can majorly impact running performance and the ability to run long miles more comfortably and efficiently. What could be more important than being efficient? Well, avoiding injury, I guess, but efficient running, an economic running style, will take stress off the wrong places and allow you to move more fluidly, which should be a goal for every runner and will certainly lessen the likelihood of injury. You want to be light on your feet and avoid pounding. That requires more than form work; it also requires strength. The two go hand in hand.


MFR 156: The Challenge of Holiday Running and the December Mojo for Running Challenge


MFR 154: Fun with Fartlek Training