Mojo for Running

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MFR 90: Running Drills

I’m a huge believer in taking into account all elements that might affect your running performance, evaluating it from every angle, not all at once, of course, but I think it’s important to realize that adequate sleep is just as important as the right shoe, and speed work is just as important as the appropriate total mileage. Running drills have a unique effect that you don’t get with any other element of training. Plus, they are great fun. 

tempo runs, track workouts, fartleks, hill training, cross training, and form work. The best thing you can do for your running is to become as educated as possible about how best to apply all these elements to your training, not all at once, but carefully apply the right element at the right time in your training cycle, and your training week. This podcast is all about running drills, one of the few things in this list that you can and should add to your running throughout the year and throughout the training cycle.

If you haven’t been doing drills as part of your running training, why not give them a try. If you’ve been doing drills, I hope this podcast will inspire you to try some different drills. As always start with one or two and add others over the weeks. There is a reason why all the most successful runners do running drills on a regular basis. They improve running technique, running economy, and injury prevention which all helps you run faster.

Drills for Proper Running” on the Training Peaks website

“Essential Form Drills for Speed and Efficiency” on the Competitor website


Bobby McGee’s Three Essential Drills

Best Running Drills for Proper Form and Technique

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